...it was finished. Orientation, that is. Despite my having started classes at Eden this past spring, I'm still officially recognized as a first-year student for which I was awarded the pleasure of participating in three days of orientation. Some of the time was spent orienting the group to the mechanics of being a student (e.g., parking tags, insurance, library cards) for which I'd already been introduced and some of the time was spent in forming community and being oriented in our ability to think theologically.
I found the time to be meaningful in that I was introduced to individuals who will encourage me, challenge me, inspire me, and love me as I wrestle with what it means to become a leader in ministry. My prayer is that I, too, can be a source of support and encouragement.
I'm excited about what treasures await me this fall. God is so good!
In 2009 I made the decision to enter the ministry and this blog is my attempt to chronicle that journey. You will likely find a mix of ramblings and observations along with what I hope will be an occasional profound view on life in the ministry. I am joined in the journey by my husband, two children, and one canine companion.
Friday, September 3, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Achieving the Right Balance?
In my most recent post at goingtoseminary.com I reflect on how well (or not) I was able to balance all of the aspect of my life -- my faith walk, my family, my schoolwork and me. To see how I did, please visit my post entitled, "The Balancing Act".
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Prisms of Light--Prisms of Thought
“But although a difference in opinions or modes of worship may prevent an entire external union, yet need it prevent our union in affection? Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may.“
Keeping up the Pace
Okay, it's been a little bit since I've last blogged. But that's not to say that I haven't been busy.
After I finished my very first semester at Eden I did what any normal seminary student would do--I went back for more. My Spring classes finished on May 14 and I started in with a two-week summer intensive course on the 17th. It seems a lot of my fellow classmates had the same idea as the class I took had to me what looked like record enrollment.
I also signed on a student worker at seminary so I immediately jumped into work there along with preparations for our first garage sale after having moved.
Sometimes I think of stepping back and just taking it easy...and there is great wisdom in that. Yet, I stand amazed at how God continues to orchestrate events, relationships, friendships and opportunities where I am able to grow even more in service to Him. It's so amazing. GOD is so amazing!
Friday, May 14, 2010
I Survived

But, lest I get too accustomed to my one day of rest, I start in with a two-week summer intensive course on Monday. It will be interesting to see how that course goes.
In any event, I pray that I've done well and look forward to future semesters of learning and discovery.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Family Travels
Has this been something you've encountered as well? If so, I'd love to hear from you!
going to seminary,
Digging for Gold
I recently ran across an article, entitled Mining Gold featured on WorkingPastor. In it, the author commented how many times sermons simply serve as gentle reminders to those walking in the faith when instead we should be digging deep and finding the gems hidden beneath. It's by going deep that we have the greatest opportunities to transform and be transformed.
Friday, April 30, 2010
"Follow" Me
In mid-March I had an opportunity to submit a blog essay to goingtoseminary.com as part of a competition. It ends up that my essay was one of four selected. Per the guidelines, I'm to submit three more blog entries to be published once per month.
Goingtoseminary.com is a place for practical advice (e.g., finances, reading lists, juggling responsibilities) and observations from the viewpoint of seminarians.
To read my first post entitled "Pregnant with Purpose", follow this link.
pregnant with purpose
Friday, April 2, 2010
Reading Week -- Um, Not Exactly
Last week was Eden's "Reading Week" and presumably a time when we were to continue to reflect on our studies and our growth over the last few months. Having now emerged on the other side of Reading Week, I think it's been woefully misrepresented. I would think that "Writing Week" or "Lack of Sleep Week" might have been better characterizations of how I and many of my fellow seminarians spent our time.
I had two mid-term papers due--one on the use of exegetical methods on Matthew, Mark and Luke-Acts and the other on the impact of Judaism on Christianity. These came on the heels of another mid-term paper concerning church history up through the time of the Reformation that was due before break even started. In addition, I had another assessment paper to produce as well as a journal entry on Christian social ethics as it related to slavery and freedom in the time of Enlightenment. Lest I had too much time on my hands, I also had a sermon to prepare, a Lenten study lesson to review for teaching as well as regular readings and small group preparations to do for when I returned to class. I managed to do this while looking after two kids and two dogs while hubby was away during part of the week, not to mention the beginning of sport practices for my oldest daughter.
Truth is, I really enjoy the work I'm doing--I simply wish I had more time to savor it. I long for the day that I'll have more time and more opportunities to reflect on what I'm learning as well as to be able to sit down and discuss these emerging thoughts with others. Until that day...
Photo courtesy of:
I had two mid-term papers due--one on the use of exegetical methods on Matthew, Mark and Luke-Acts and the other on the impact of Judaism on Christianity. These came on the heels of another mid-term paper concerning church history up through the time of the Reformation that was due before break even started. In addition, I had another assessment paper to produce as well as a journal entry on Christian social ethics as it related to slavery and freedom in the time of Enlightenment. Lest I had too much time on my hands, I also had a sermon to prepare, a Lenten study lesson to review for teaching as well as regular readings and small group preparations to do for when I returned to class. I managed to do this while looking after two kids and two dogs while hubby was away during part of the week, not to mention the beginning of sport practices for my oldest daughter.
Truth is, I really enjoy the work I'm doing--I simply wish I had more time to savor it. I long for the day that I'll have more time and more opportunities to reflect on what I'm learning as well as to be able to sit down and discuss these emerging thoughts with others. Until that day...
Photo courtesy of:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I'm Certifiable!
I suppose that those of you who know me already suspected that I'm "certifiable"!
On Saturday, February 27, I met with my District Committee on Ministry to be evaluated for certification as a candidate for ordained ministry--a process that has taken nearly two years. I am pleased to say that I was certified. Praise God!
My requirements at this point are to continue my education (in my case, the pursuit of a Master of Divinity degree at seminary) and to meet annually with the committee. Ultimately, Lord willing, I will be ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Church after I graduate nearly three years from now. I consider it both a blessing and a privilege.
On Saturday, February 27, I met with my District Committee on Ministry to be evaluated for certification as a candidate for ordained ministry--a process that has taken nearly two years. I am pleased to say that I was certified. Praise God!
My requirements at this point are to continue my education (in my case, the pursuit of a Master of Divinity degree at seminary) and to meet annually with the committee. Ultimately, Lord willing, I will be ordained as an Elder in the United Methodist Church after I graduate nearly three years from now. I consider it both a blessing and a privilege.
Deep in Thought
Okay, so it's been awhile since I've posted anything. Why, you ask? Oh, I imagine it has something to do with chapters and books and articles and readings and papers and workshops and...well, you get the idea. I'm deep in the throes of study and I'm loving it. As I suspected I'm enlarging my theological vocabulary, I'm being challenged on my beliefs, and I'm gaining a deep(er) appreciation for the history of the church. I'm also establishing new relationships with my fellow seminarians as we journey through this thing called MDiv (a.k.a., Master of Divinity).

Oh, by the way, here is a photo of the primary administration/classroom building on campus. Beautiful!

Oh, by the way, here is a photo of the primary administration/classroom building on campus. Beautiful!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
I've Arrived (at Seminary)
Yesterday I was able to register for spring semester classes at Eden. Classes begin next week and I can hardly wait! I'll have courses in Biblical studies, Christian social ethics, church history and doctrine, and the impact of Judaism on Christianity.
I'm bound to learn a lot and grow much over these next few years. I pray that I will be open to hear what it is that God desires of me and be able to respond appropriately and lovingly.
I'm bound to learn a lot and grow much over these next few years. I pray that I will be open to hear what it is that God desires of me and be able to respond appropriately and lovingly.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Preparing the Way

Next Tuesday, I'll be attending orientation and registration for classes which will begin on February 1. I'm looking forward to the start of the semester and all the pearls of wisdom I'll acquire :). I'll also get squared away with parking tags, e-mail accounts, mailboxes, textbooks and other tools designed to get me launched on this journey.
I'm so excited!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
It Won't Be Long Now...
Well, classes will begin in less than a month. In the meantime, I need to get the girls back into the routine of school, need to find childcare for those times when my class schedule conflicts with the girl's school schedule, and bid farewell (for part of each week) to my husband as he begins his Spring teaching schedule.
I also need to finish preparations for my interview with the District Committee on Ministry in late February--the last step of three that moves me from a declared candidate to a certified candidate as recognized by the United Methodist Church. I'm also identifying scholarship and grant opportunities to help support my education which is particularly crucial considering I'm no longer gainfully employed.
Despite the level of activity and the newness of everything, we feel blessed. We've moved to a great town and are plugged into an exciting faith community. God is good!
I also need to finish preparations for my interview with the District Committee on Ministry in late February--the last step of three that moves me from a declared candidate to a certified candidate as recognized by the United Methodist Church. I'm also identifying scholarship and grant opportunities to help support my education which is particularly crucial considering I'm no longer gainfully employed.
Despite the level of activity and the newness of everything, we feel blessed. We've moved to a great town and are plugged into an exciting faith community. God is good!
certified candidate,
united methodist
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