Friday, May 14, 2010

I Survived first semester, that is.  It's been a hectic semester, filled with readings and writings and class dialogues.  It has been one in which I've not slept near as much as I should, and spent far less time with the girls than I hoped. Yet, it's done and I am glad.

But, lest I get too accustomed to my one day of rest, I start in with a two-week summer intensive course on Monday.  It will be interesting to see how that course goes.

In any event, I pray that I've done well and look forward to future semesters of learning and discovery.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Family Travels

Today, the second blog submission to was posted. While my last post, Pregnant with Purpose, focused on my initial response to being at seminary, this newest writing, "When Your Family is Along for the Ride" chronicles my questions, concerns, ponderings and challenges in responding to God's call with a family in tow.

Has this been something you've encountered as well?  If so, I'd love to hear from you!

Digging for Gold

I recently ran across an article, entitled Mining Gold featured on WorkingPastor.  In it, the author commented how many times sermons simply serve as gentle reminders to those walking in the faith when instead we should be digging deep and finding the gems hidden beneath. It's by going deep that we have the greatest opportunities to transform and be transformed.